Tuesday, June 30, 2009


God is the "Whole Universe". He is not a man or a person somewhere out there. He is part of all that is. Everyone man and woman, human and n0n human are all part of One that is. Together we are part of the Whole. It is in all of us and we create our own systems and beliefs.

Common sense would tell us to Share and Care for one another and not to Compete. We have to be responsible for our own actions and not to blame or create an excuse. God does not punish anyone! He allows us our "Free Will" to do as we wish. The mistakes that we make are lessons for us to learn not to make them again. Our "Free Will" allows us to do as we please which sometimes gets us in trouble.

You may ask "The High Universe" for knowledge if you are unsure of something. Listen to your thoughts and make them nice and responsible. So do not have hatred, anger, greed and selfishness as thoughts. Pay attention to what is going on around you and Help the Betterment of the world any way you can.

Once you make this "Direct Connection", your complete outlook on Life will change. Try it and see for yourself when you make contact with your guide that has been with you all of your life. Some think of it as your guardian angel and others as your conscience. Get in touch with he or she and see how Real your life becomes. Ask for their name and you will see and hear signs over and over again. Then you will feel a sensation through out your body of total Euphoria. It is the best feeling in the world. It Truly is a "Magical Feeling".

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